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Where change really comes from

I wasn’t sure what to think. The calendar invite I received immediately grabbed 12 hours of my life for four days in a row. What?!?! Like, the whole workday and beyond?

The agenda was vague, which is bothersome for this planner. It merely listed start times with the speaker lineup, that was it. 

When do we break for food and bathroom breaks? 

OK, guess I gotta get my game face on & do a little prep, because I was warned that 12 hours was only a guess for each day and the event often went beyond what was allocated. Exhale.

After leaning into the discomfort, I realized that sometimes it’s good to not know, to just trust and find a willingness for the journey, however it unfolds. So I did, because Tony Robbins is a GOAT for a reason. 

My inner skeptic was also showing up because I get a little overwhelmed at all the information that’s available these days. It’s around every corner and not a lot of it is different. You read it, listen to it, see a new person talking about it and it nestles into a little drawer in your mind, along with all the other information you’ve heard on the topic. Like the t-shirt in the drawer that never gets worn because you don’t see it shoved way at the back.  

Rarely does the information change your life. Because it lives in the information drawer in your mind, not the action drawer.  

Tony’s event is all about action. 

He outlines the principles, then has you standing up in your living room, reciting, shouting, repeating and experiencing it, so you’re transformed at an energetic level. The level that begins re-wiring the brain.

My huge takeaway:  You are playing at a surface level trying to change. 

That’s a gut punch. But when you know it, you can do something different. 

If you really want different results, more success or a new path, the work MUST happen at the energetic level. Through breaking patterns, taking massive action and intentionally re-wiring the brain. 

And though life gives experiences from time to time that shock you into a new action, they’re not as frequent as needed to initiate the changes you really want to make. 

It's the old adage, “I know what to do, why am I not doing it?”

You need a coach.

You need someone who can help identify your patterns, beliefs, and help you course correct to ingrain new action. 

Yes, seriously…we can have a one-time coaching call on the house. It’s just you and me, in a safe, trusted space, accelerating your path through the challenges you face. 



1. For daily support and tidbits follow me over on Insta! 

2.  Time for a new journal? Pick up a new copy of my Know Thyself Journal for daily support towards your most important intentions for the next 90 days.


3.  Are you into individual assessments? Here is a link to take a free Core Values Assessment (CVI). It only takes 10 minutes and measures your innate, unchanging nature. Take it yourself and feel free to forward to a friend, too. 

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